


System Dynamics


The next international conference will be held in Boston, July 2013.

SD uses computer simulation for enhancing learning and decision making in complex systems. It builds top-down / aggregated computer models focused on information feedback structures for explaining behavior in complex systems.  Decision making processes, delays and non-linearity are key characteristics in this approach.  Free introductory material to SD is provided by the MIT System Dynamics Group and by the SD+ special interest group of the Operational Research Society. The Mega Link List provided by G. Ossimitz can be very useful as well. Top academic research can be found in the System Dynamics Review. The System Dynamics Society channels the research and the use of this approach around the world.

Latin American Chapter

The Latin American Chapter of the System Dynamics Society is a meeting point that promotes the diffusion and research related to SD in the region.  The University of Talca (Chile) hosts the main publications of the chapter: the refereed journal Revista de Dinámica de Sistemas and the newsletter sisTemas, both directed by Dr. Martin Schaffernicht.

Swiss Chapter

Likewise, the Swiss Chapter promotes SD in Switzerland.