Andrés Mejía D.’s webpage

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- Papers
In conferences
Opinion articles
Doctoral thesis


Voces y Silencios: Revista Latinoamericana de Educación

Power and Education

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International Network of Philosophers of Education

Campaign for the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare



At El Cocuy (Colombia)

Centre for Research and Formation in Education (CIFE)
University of los Andes
Cra.1 No.18A-10
Bogotá, Colombia

Tel.: (57 1) 3394949 ext.3099
Fax: (57 1) 3324321
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In this webpage I intend to describe some of my interests, mainly academic but also personal, in order to foster connections and interactions with other people with similar or complementary interests.

I work at the Centre for Research and Formation in Education (CIFE), at the University of Los Andes, in Bogotá, Colombia. I am also currently a board member of the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE).

My main research interests are presently centred on the purpose of promoting critical thinking. My approach can be roughly identified with that of critical pedagogy and a critical theory of education. Additionally, I also work with philosophy of language, philosophy of educational research, educational management, and the application of critical and soft systemic approaches in organisational and social problem situations.


In what follows you will find the papers I have written. For most of them there is a link to the definitive version in the journal it was published in (clicking on the journal title), and/or to a previous version (clicking on the article title; particularly useful if there is no free access to the journal version).

Papers in academic journals

2010. The general in the particular. In Journal of Philosophy of Education, vol.44, no.1, pp.93-107.

2009. In just what sense should I be critical? An exploration into the notion of 'assumption' and some implications for assessment. In Studies in Philosophy and Education, vol.28, no.4, pp.351-367.

2009. Tres esferas de acción del pensamiento crítico en ingeniería. In Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, vol.49, no.3 (April).

2008. My self-as-philosopher and my self-as-scientist meet to do research in the classroom: Some Davidsonian notes on the philosophy of educational research. In Studies in Philosophy and Education, vol.27, nos.2-3, pp.161-171.

2008. Learning to support learning together: An experience with the Soft Systems Methodology. Written with Adolfo Sánchez (Sánchez & Mejía). In Educational Action Research, vol.16, no.1, pp.109-124.

2007. Are we promoting critical autonomous thinking? A discussion on conversational genres and whether they can help us answer this question. Written with Adriana Molina (Mejía & Molina). In Cambridge Journal of Education, vol.37 no.3, pp.409-426.

2007. A discussion on assumptions and critical conversations. In Systemica: Journal of the Dutch Systems Society, vol.14, nos.1-6, pp.239-254.

2007. Team Syntegrity as a learning tool: Some considerations about its capacity to promote critical learning. Written with Angela Espinosa (Mejía & Espinosa). In Systems Research and Behavioral Science, vol24, no.1, pp.27-35.

2006. ¿Cómo formarnos para promover pensamiento crítico autónomo en el aula? Una propuesta de investigación acción apoyada por una herramienta conceptual. Written with Mónica Orduz and Blanca Peralta (Mejía, Orduz & Peralta). In Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, vol.39, no.6 (August).

2006. Para acercarse al dragón, para amansarlo, es necesario haberlo amansado primero: Una mirada crítica a las competencias ciudadanas. Written with Betsy Perafán (Mejía & Perafán). In Revista de Estudios Sociales, no.23, pp.23-35.

2005. Hacia una investigación en pedagogía sin tanta ciencia (y con más filosofía). In Revista de Estudios Sociales, no.20, pp.69-79.

2004. La promoción de pensamiento crítico en ingeniería. Written with Roberto Zarama (Mejía & Zarama). In Revista de Ingeniería, no.20, pp.88-102.

2004. The problem of knowledge imposition: Paulo Freire and Critical Systems Thinking. In Systems Research and Behavioral Science, vol.21, no.1, pp.62-82, 2004. A previous version was published as Research Memorandum No.29, The University of Hull, 2001.

2002. Can the system idea help promote critical thinking and intellectual autonomy in pedagogy? In Kybernetes, vol.31, nos. 9-10, pp.1313-1323.

2001. Reconstruction in criticality: A discussion on questions, assumptions, and interpretation. In Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, vol.XXI, no.1, pp.17-31.

Conference papers

2010. Educación para el sentido holístico y la expansión de “nosotros”. Presented at the 12th International Conference on Philosophy of Education, organised by the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE), Bogotá, July 2010.

2010. Tres enfoques en la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales: ¿Mismos caminos? ¿Mismos destinos? Written with Adry Manrique, Laura Avellaneda, Vanessa Bermeo and Carlos Díaz (Manrique et al.). Presented at the 12th International Conference on Philosophy of Education, organised by the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE), Bogotá, July 2010.

2010. “Would you trust me if I said that I saw it?” Replicability and trust in teacher research. Escrito en conjunto con Verónica Molina (Mejía y Molina). Accepted for the 9th annual Discourse, Power, Resistance Conference, Greenwich, England, March 2010.

2009. Cierre y apertura en los fines de la educación. Written with David Aguirre, Isabel Méndez and Marcela Ossa (Mejía et al.). Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Education and Philosophy, Sao Paulo, July 2009.

2009. Reescribiendo democracia: una relectura sin utopías de John Dewey y Paulo Freire. Written with Natalia Sánchez and Aliex Trujillo (Sánchez et al.). Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Education and Philosophy, Sao Paulo, July 2009.

2009. On why there is generalisation in research on single cases. Presented at the annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Oxford, April 2009.

2008. In just what sense should I be critical? An exploration into the notion of ‘assumption’ and some implications for assessment. Presented at the biannual conference of the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE), Kyoto, August 2008.

2007. Hacia una dinámica de sistemas crítica: Un marco conceptual para investigación y una ilustración en educación. Written with Mariana Cascante (Cascante & Mejía). Presented at the 5th Annual Conference of the Capítulo Latinoamericano de la Sociedad de Dinámica de Sistemas, Buenos Aires, November 2007.

2007. Ser directo puede traerte problemas, pero ser indirecto también: Las realimentaciones en dinámica de sistemas cualitativa y cuantitativa. Written with Gloria Díaz, Fabio Díaz and Camilo Olaya (Mejía et al.). Chosen for a plenary sesion in the 5th Annual Congress of the Capítulo Latinoamericano de la Sociedad de Dinámica de Sistemas, Buenos Aires, November 2007.

2007. Tres esferas de acción del pensamiento crítico en ingeniería. Invited paper for the 1st Technical Congress of Engineering CICTI 2007, Maracaibo, November 2007.

2007. Understanding is necessary for critical thinking —but also for its declared foe of uncritical dogmatic thinking. Presented at the annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Oxford, April 2007.

2006. Tipos de arcos y hacia dónde disparan: Sobre la naturaleza y las posibilidades de los arquetipos. Written with Gloria Maritza Díaz (Mejía & Díaz). Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the Capítulo Latinoamericano de la Sociedad de Dinámica de Sistemas, Cancún, November 2006.

2006. Can empirical research help construct theories to improve practice? Some Davidsonian notes on the philosophy of educational research. Presented at the biannual conference of the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE), Malta, August 2006.

2005. Some philosophical issues concerning the promotion of critical thinking in education. Presented at the annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Oxford, April 2005.

2004. Understanding the Relation Between Criticality and Knowledge Imposition in Pedagogy. Presented at the annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), Oxford, April 2004.

2003. Team Syntegrity as a learning process: Some considerations about its capacity to develop autonomy. Written with Ángela Espinosa (Espinosa & Mejía). In the proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Science ISSS, Crete, July 2003.

2002. Espacios en procesos de construcción de conocimiento, y posibilidades de crítica. In the proceedings of the 2º Coloquio Latinoamericano de Pensamiento Sistémico, Bogotá, October 2002.

2002. Systems models are neither representations of systems out-there in reality, nor mental constructions. In the proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Science ISSS, Shanghai, August 2002.

2002. To what extent is the system idea useful for understanding the act of knowing? In the proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Science ISSS, Shanghai, August 2002.

2001. A discussion on assumptions and critical conversations. In the proceedings of the Problems of Individual Emergence conference, Amsterdam, April 2001.

1999. A discussion on complementarism and its stance towards paradigms. Written with Petri Jooste (Mejía & Jooste). In Castell, A., Gregory, A., et al. (eds.), Synergy Matters: Working with Systems in the 21st Century. Kluwer Academic: New York. Proceedings of the UKSS 1999 Conference: Synergy Matters, Lincoln, July 1999.

Book reviews

2005. Book Review of "Competencias Ciudadanas: De los Estándares al Aula", edited by Enrique Chaux, Juanita Lleras, and Ana María Velásquez. In Revista de Estudios Sociales, no.19, pp.127-128.

Prologues and editorials

2005. Prologue. In Informática: Todo un Reto.  Ambientes de Aprendizaje en el Aula de Informática, ¿Fomentan el Manejo de Información?, by Patricia Jaramillo et al. pp.xi-xiv. Ediciones Uniandes, Bogotá.

2005. Investigación y práctica pedagógica. Editorial of Revista de Estudios Sociales, no.20, pp.7-10.

Brief opinion articles

2007. Autonomías. In El Poli, no.15, pp.14-15.

Doctoral thesis

2002. A Critical Systemic Framework for Studying Knowledge Imposition in Pedagogy. Unpublished PhD thesis, Business School, The University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom.