A complete list of publications in bib format can be found in here.
Journal Papers
1. A. Pantoja and N. Quijano, "A Population Dynamics Approach for the Dispatch of Distributed Generators", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.58(10), pp4559-4567, 2011.
2. A. Pantoja, N. Quijano, and S. Leirens, "A bioinspired approach for a multizone temperature control system", Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, Vol.6(1), pp016007-1--016007-13, 2011.
3. Luis Felipe Giraldo, Fernando Lozano, and Nicanor Quijano, "Foraging Theory for Dimensionality Reduction of Clustered Data", Machine Learning Journal, Vol.82(1), pp71-90, 2011.
4. A.Pantoja, E.Mojica-Nava and N.Quijano, “Sum of Squares Decomposition: Theory and Applications in Control", Revista Ingeniería e Investigación, Universidad Nacional, Vol.30(3), pp.57-70, 2010.
5. Nicanor Quijano and Kevin M. Passino, “Honey Bee Social Foraging Algorithms for Resource Allocation: Theory and Application,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.23(6), pp.845-861, 2010.
6. Eduardo Ramírez-Llanos and Nicanor Quijano, “A population dynamics approach for the water distribution problem”, International Journal of Control, Vol.83(9), pp.1947-1964, 2010.
7. Mojica-Nava E., Quijano N., Rakoto-Ravalontsalama N., and Gauthier A, “A Polynomial Approach for Stability Analysis of Switched Systems”, Systems and Control Letters, Vol.59(2), pp.98-104, February 2010.
8. D. Robles., P. Ñañez, and N. Quijano, “Urban Traffic Control and Simulation: Literature Review”, Revista Ingeniería, Universidad de los Andes, 2009, pp 59-69.
9. Jorge Finke, Nicanor Quijano, and Kevin M. Passino, “Emergence of Scale Free Networks from Ideal Free Distributions”, Europhysics Letters, Vol.82, pp20084-p1-20084-p6, April 2008.
10. Nicanor Quijano and Kevin M. Passino, “The Ideal Free Distribution: Theory and Engineering Application,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B, Vol.37(1), pp154-165, 2007.
11. Nicanor Quijano, Burton W. Andrews, and Kevin M. Passino, “Foraging Theory for Multizone Temperature Control,” IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Vol.1(4), pp. 18-27, 2006.
12. Nicanor Quijano, Alvaro E. Gil, and Kevin M. Passino, “Experiments for Dynamic Resource Allocation, Scheduling, and Control,” IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol.25(1), pp. 63-79, 2005.
Conference Proceedings (International)
1. Germán Obando, Nicanor Quijano, and Andrés Pantoja, "Control Strategies based on Population Dynamics for Building Energy Efficiency", To appear IEEE CDC, 2011.
2. Andrés Pantoja, Nicanor Quijano, and Kevin Passino, "Dispatch of Distributed Generators Using a Local Replicator Equation", To appear IEEE CDC, 2011.
3. Carlos Macana, Nicanor Quijano, and Eduardo Mojica-Nava, "A Survey on Cyber Physical Energy Systems and their Applications on Smart Grids", To appear ISGTLA, 2011.
4. Jairo Giraldo and Nicanor Quijano, "Current Results and Research Trends in Networked Control Systems", In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control, 2011.
5. Catalina Caro and Nicanor Quijano, "Low Cost Experiment for Control Systems", In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control, 2011.
6. Alejandro Betancur, Eduardo Mojica-Nava, and Nicanor Quijano, "A Replicator Dynamics Weighted Control Technique for Two Coupled Pendulums", In Proceedings of the 18th IFAC Wolrd Congress, 2011.
7. Eduardo Mojica-Nava and Nicanor Quijano, "A Replicator Dynamics Weighted Control Technique for a DC-DC Converter", In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2011.
8. Eduardo Ramírez-Llanos and Nicanor Quijano, "Analysis and Control for the Water Distribution Problem", In Proceedings of the 49th IEEE CDC, pp.4030-4035, 2010.
9. Mauricio Parra and Nicanor Quijano, "An Academic Platform to Illustrate Game-theoretical Approaches", In Proceedings of IEEE ANDESCON 2010.
10. Alejandro Betancur, Eduardo Mojica-Nava, and Nicanor Quijano, "Weighted Controller for an Inverted Pendulum: A Replicator Dynamics Approach", In Proceedings of IEEE ANDESCON 2010.
11. Germán Obando, Andrés Pantoja, and Nicanor Quijano, “Evolutionary game theory applied to building temperature control” In Proceedings of NOLCOS 2010, pp.1140-1145, 2010.
12. A. Cortés and N. Quijano, “Microclimate Modeling and Control: A Multizone Approach”, In Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference, Baltimore, USA, pp.5910-5915, 2010.
13. A. Pantoja and N. Quijano, “Dispatch of Distributed Generators Using Replicator Dynamics”, In Proceedings of the 2010 Complexity in Engineering, COMPENG 2010, p.55-57, Rome, 2010.
14. Eduardo Ramírez-Llanos and Nicanor Quijano, “E. Coli Bacterial Foraging Algorithm Applied to Pressure Reducing Valves Control”, In Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference, p. 4488-4493, 2009.
15. Pablo Ñañez and Nicanor Quijano, “Honey Bee Social Foraging for Urban Traffic Control”, In Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, pp.588-593, 2009.
16. I. Muñoz, E. Mojica-Nava, and N. Quijano, “Switching Between Controllers Using Replicator Dynamics”, In Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, pp.186-191, 2009.
17. E. Mojica-Nava, N. Quijano, and N. Rakoto-Ravalontsalama, “A Generalization of a Polynomial Optimal Control of Switched Systems”, In Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, pp.120-125, 2009.
18. William Chasoy, Ingrith Jerez, Nicanor Quijano, Luis Cordoba, Jorge Mario Gomez, Ivan Gil, and Gerardo Rodriguez “Glycerin as entrainer in ethanol extractive distillation”, In Proceedings of the XIII Congreso Nacional de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería, Acapulco México, 2009.
19. Mojica-Nava E., Quijano N., Gauthier A., Rakoto-Ravalontsalama N., "Stability Analysis of Switched Polynomial Systems Using Dissipation Inequalities", In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Control Decision Conference, Cancún, Mexico, pp.31-36, 2008.
20. Mojica-Nava E., Meziat R., Quijano N., Gauthier A., Rakoto-Ravalontsalama N., "Optimal Control of Switched Systems: A Polynomial Approach", In Proceedings of the 7th IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, Korea, pp.7808-7813.
21. Andrés D. Pantoja and Nicanor Quijano, "Modeling and Analysis for a Temperature System Based on Resource Dynamics and the Ideal Free Distribution," in Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference, pp.3390 - 3395, 2008.
22. Jorge Finke, Nicanor Quijano and Kevin M. Passino, "Ideal Free Distribution Growing on Networks," in Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference, pp.159–164, 2008.
23. Carolina Ramirez, Iván Gil, and Nicanor Quijano, “Modeling and control of a packed distillation column”, In Proceedings of the 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2008.
24. Nicanor Quijano and Kevin M. Passino, “Honey Bee Social Foraging Algorithms for Resource Allocation, Part I: Algorithm and Theory,” in Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference, pp. 3383-3388, July 11-13 New York City, NY, 2007.
25. Nicanor Quijano and Kevin M. Passino, “Honey Bee Social Foraging Algorithms for Resource Allocation, Part II: Application,” in Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference, pp. 3389-3394, July 11-13 New York City, NY, 2007.
26. Nicanor Quijano and Kevin M. Passino, “Optimality and Stability of the Ideal Free Distribution with Application to Temperature Control,” in Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference, pp. 4837-4842, June 14-16 Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2006.
27. Nicanor Quijano and Kevin M. Passino, “Resource Allocation Strategies for Multizone Temperature Control,” in Proc. of 2nd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control, Oaxaca, México, December 2004.
Conference Proceedings (Local Conferences)
1. A. Cortés y N. Quijano, “Modelo y Control Multizona de Microclima Basado en Dinámicas Poblacionales”, In Proceedings of the V Colombian IEEE Workshop on Robotics and Automation, 2009, Bogotá, Colombia.
2. D. Mahecha y N.Quijano, “Técnicas De Aprendizaje Distribuido En Sistemas Multiagente”, In Proceedings of the V Colombian IEEE Workshop on Robotics and Automation, 2009, Bogotá, Colombia.
3. G.Obando, A.Pantoja, N.Quijano, “Modelo y Control de Temperatura en Edificaciones”, In Proceedings of the V Colombian IEEE Workshop on Robotics and Automation, 2009, Bogotá, Colombia.
4. E. Ramírez y N. Quijano, “Asignación Dinámica de Recursos Aplicados a Tanques de Agua Potable”, In Proceedings of the VIII Congreso Asociación Colombiana de Automática, Cartagena, Colombia, 2009.
5. P. Ñañez y N. Quijano, “Algoritmos Evolutivos en Control de Tráfico Urbano”, In Proceedings of the VIII Congreso Asociación Colombiana de Automática, Cartagena, Colombia, 2009.
6. L. Peñuela y N.Quijano, “Teoría de Juegos Evolutiva Aplicada al Tratamiento de Cáncer”, In Proceedings of the VIII Congreso Asociación Colombiana de Automática, Cartagena, Colombia, 2009.
7. I.Muñoz y N.Quijano, “Teoría de Juegos Evolutiva en Sistemas de Control Conmutado”, In Proceedings of the VIII Congreso Asociación Colombiana de Automática, Cartagena, Colombia, 2009.
8. A. Pantoja, E. Mojica-Nava, y N. Quijano, “Múltiples Controladores Ponderados con Replicator Dynamics: Aplicación a un Modelo de Helicóptero”, In Proceedings of the VIII Congreso Asociación Colombiana de Automática, Cartagena, Colombia, 2009.
9. A. Pantoja, N.Quijano, y S.Leirens, “Control de Temperatura Distribuido Bioinspirado para un Sistema Multizona”, In Proceedings of the VIII Congreso Asociación Colombiana de Automática, Cartagena, Colombia, 2009.
10. Mojica-Nava E., Quijano N., Rakoto-Ravalontsalama N., y Gauthier A, “Análisis y Control de Sistemas Híbridos”, In Proceedings of the VIII Congreso Asociación Colombiana de Automática, Cartagena, Colombia, 2009.
11. E. Ramírez y N. Quijano, "Control Adaptivo E.Coli Aplicado a la Regulación de Presión en una Red de Distribución de Agua Potable", In Proceedings of the IV Colombian IEEE Workshop on Robotics and Automation, 2008, Cali, Colombia.
12. P. Ñañez y N. Quijano, "Forraje Social en Control de Tráfico Urbano", In Proceedings of the IV Colombian IEEE Workshop on Robotics and Automation, 2008, Cali, Colombia.
13. J.L.Ramírez, N. Quijano, C.F.Rodríguez, "Modelos Bio-inspirados para Labores de Vigilancia e Inspección", In Proceedings of the IV Colombian IEEE Workshop on Robotics and Automation, 2008, Cali, Colombia.
14. C. Caro, N. Quijano, y E.Mojica-Nava, "Sistemas Híbridos y el Ciclo de Carnot Modelo y Análisis", In Proceedings of the IV Colombian IEEE Workshop on Robotics and Automation, 2008, Cali, Colombia.
15. A. Sierra y N. Quijano, "Teoría del Forraje y sus Aplicaciones para el Control de Temperatura Multizona", In Proceedings of the IV Colombian IEEE Workshop on Robotics and Automation, 2008, Cali, Colombia.
16. Nicanor Quijano, Modelado y Análisis de un Sistema Feedforward Basado en la Distribución Ideal Libre," Proceedings of the Colombian Workshop on Robotics, Automation, and Control, Cartagena, Colombia, 2007.
Papers (Submitted or In Preparation)
1. Carlos Macana, Eduardo Mojica-Nava, and Nicanor Quijano, "Stability Analysis of Time-Delay in Load Frequency Smart Grid Control", Submitted for the 2012 American Control Conference.
2. Jairo Giraldo and Nicanor Quijano, "Effects of Smart Grid Communication Networks in Distributed Generation Dispatch", Submitted for the 2012 American Control Conference.
3. A. Pantoja and N. Quijano, "Local Information Lighting Control with a Dynamic Power Allocation Strategy", Submitted for the 2012 American Control Conference.
4. Germán Obando, Andrés Pantoja, and Nicanor Quijano,"Control Strategies based on Population Dynamics for Building Energy Efficiency", Submitted for Journal Publication, IEEE Control Systems Technology, 2011.
5. Andrés Cortés and Nicanor Quijano, "A Dynamic Resource Allocation Perspective for Microclimate Control", Submitted for Journal Publication, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, 2011.
6. Eduardo Ramírez-Llanos and Nicanor Quijano, “Bio-inspired strategy for optimization and control of pressure reducing valves”, Submitted for Journal Publication, ISA Transactions, 2011.
7. Lina Peñuela and Nicanor Quijano, “Chemotherapy treatment: A population dynamics approach”, Submitted for Journal Publication, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2011.
8. Pablo Ñañez, Daniel Robles, and Nicanor Quijano, “The green time allocation problem: A honey bee social foraging approach”, Submitted for Journal Publication, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2010.
Book Chapters
Nicanor Quijano, Jorge Finke, and Kevin M Passino, “Laboratorios de bajo costo”, Ciencia e Ingeniería en la Formación de Ingenieros para el Siglo XXI - Fundamentos, Estrategias y Casos, pp. 171-188, ACOFI, 2008.
Theodore Pavlic, Burton W. Andrews, Nicanor Quijano, Jorge Finke, Brandon J. Moore, Kevin M. Passino, “Foraging Theory for Engineering”, In preparation, 2011.
- Plenary Talk, 1er Congreso de Computación, Tecnológico Pascual Bravo, Medellín, November 2010.
- Workshop Optimal and Robust Control, ANDESCON, September, 2010.
- Taller de Geometría UAndes, June 2010.
- Invited Speaker, Semana Ingeniería, Universidad de Nariño, Pasto 2009.
- Invited Speaker, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bucaramanga 2009.
- Invited Speaker, Semana Ingeniería, Universidad de la Salle, 2009.
- Invited Speaker, Semana Ingeniería, Universidad Católica, 2009.
- Plenary talk at Colombian Workshop on Robotics and Automation (CWRA'09), August 2009.
- Plenary talk at Campus Party, Corferias, July 2009.
- Plenary talk at Celebración 40 años Rama IEEE Javeriana, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, May 2009.
- Plenary talk at Taller en Geometría, Control, y Aplicaciones, Universidad de los Andes, Dec. 2008.
- Invited Speaker, 1er Seminario Regional de Ingeniería Electrónica, Pasto, Colombia, May 2008.
- Invited Speaker, II Jornada Técnica IEEE de Ing. Electrónica Control y Automatización, Cartagena, Colombia, April 2008.
- Invited Speaker, ISA Show Andino, Corferias, Bogotá, October 2007.
- Carlos Cotrino, Luis David Prieto, and Nicanor Quijano, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, September 2005. Coloquio sobre Control.
- Kevin M. Passino, Nicanor Quijano, and Jorge Finke, Bio-Strategies for Optimization, Control, and Navigation; Stable Multiagent Systems and Distributed Control, Two two-day short courses, both done in Cali and Medellín, Colombia, July 24-Aug. 1, 2004. In Cali we had around 30 students, and in Medellín we had around 60 students. I was responsible for 30% of the lectures in the course, where we gave some examples in the areas of Foraging Theory and Stability Analysis. I gave a talk on the Ideal Free Distributions for Distributed Control, and also I gave an overview of the International Educational Laboratory Development for Feedback Control Engineering and Automation program. This program has a strong emphasis on very low-cost designs that do not sacrifice educational goals for both undergraduate and graduate programs.
- Nicanor Quijano, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and Universidad Autónoma de Bogotá, Aug. 2004. One day technical talk about Ideal Free Distributions for Distributed Control, and an overview of the International Educational Laboratory Development for Feedback Control Engineering and Automation program.
- Samuel Duque, Nicanor Quijano, Oscar Useche, Simulador digital para control y evaluación de procesos industriales. Expoproyectos, Bogotá, Colombia, September 29 1999.